LOT 83 MUNGALLA 4561 (IVF) (PP) D5
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4561 |
AGE 25 months |
SALE PRICE $5,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 36.5 |
Semen Mot % 80 |
Semen Morph % 84 |
Weight 900 |
EMA 128 |
P8 10 |
Rib 7 |
IMF % 4.8 |
Billabong Winchester (PP) D5 |
Calaanah Brando 487 (HP) D5 |
Billabong Jada 3RD (H) D5 |
S: Billabong Hendrix 8546 (PP) D5 |
Cashmere Hard Act To Follow (P) D3 |
Billabong Jackanda 2ND (P) D4 |
Billabong Jackanda (S) D5 |
MUNGALLA 4561 (IVF) (PP) D5 |
Kandanga Cassius (P) D5 |
Mungalla Wickham (P) D5 |
Mungalla 452 (P) D5 |
D: Mungalla 3048 (P) D4 |
Mungalla Acton (P) D3 |
Mungalla 2098 (P) D3 |
Mungalla 1206 (P) D2 |
Hendrix was the $100,000 Top Priced Droughtmaster Bull of 2019, a combination of sire appeal, carcass and structural functionality. His sale day stats were very impressive. At 24 months old they read - 908kg - 14 & 8 fats & 144cm EMA. But it was his exceptional temperament, structure, volume, length and overall sire appeal which made him stand out from the rest. He moves effortlessly and held his condition very well through adverse seasons. His fertility is outstanding, both in the collection centre and the paddock.
In 2020, Hendrix semen set a new Droughtmaster Record at $8000 for 5 straws. 18 of this year's bulls are by Hendrix, 12 of which are via IVF. In his short time at Mungalla, his progeny fetched over $100,000 including Mungalla 4076 who sold for $45,000 at MAGS 2022. This year's bulls are his second crop of calves to go through the MAGS sale and we are excited to see the results.
Hendrix has 15 progeny in this year's sale, the largest representation by any 1 sire.
Unfortunately Hendrix passed away in early 2022.