LOT 104 MUNGALLA 4540 (PP) D5
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4540 |
AGE 25 months |
SALE PRICE $8,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 33 |
Semen Mot % 80 |
Semen Morph % 89 |
Weight 804 |
EMA 130 |
P8 11 |
Rib 8 |
IMF % 6.1 |
Mungalla Todman (P) D5 |
Mungalla Classic (P) D3 |
Mungalla 1200 (P) D2 |
S: Mungalla Fame (P) D4 |
Valley Jocko (S) D5 |
Mungalla 2140 (P) D5 |
Mungalla 335 (P) D5 |
MUNGALLA 4540 (PP) D5 |
Farnham Redman (P) D5 |
Mungalla Totem (P) D5 |
Mungalla 339 (P) D5 |
D: Mungalla 2293 (P) D5 |
Hamadra Cody (S) D5 |
Mungalla 1038 (S) D5 |
Mungalla 074 (P) D5 |
Mungalla Fame, son of Mungalla impact sire Mungalla Classic, is an outstanding sire that consistently produces impressive progeny. The 2020 MAGS Sale saw a Fame son, Mungalla 3325 sell for $50,000. His total progeny earnings is over $200,000 and has daughters who have also been sold for breeding purposes. Mungalla has also retained a number of his daughters.
Fame has 11 progeny in this year's sale.
This cow, by Mungalla Totem, has produced 5 calves, 3 of which are registered and is due to calve later this year. 2 of her daughters have been retained in the Mungalla herd.