LOT 129 MUNGALLA 4414 (PP) D3
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4414 |
AGE 25 months |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 39 |
Semen Mot % 70 |
Semen Morph % 61 |
Weight 756 |
EMA 126 |
P8 11 |
Rib 7 |
IMF % 4.6 |
Farnham Redman (P) D5 |
Mungalla Tempo (P) D5 |
Mungalla 452 (P) D5 |
S: Mungalla Conman (P) D5 |
Hamadra Cody (S) D5 |
Mungalla 839 (P) D5 |
Mungalla 106 (P) D5 |
MUNGALLA 4414 (PP) D3 |
Droughtmaster Bull |
D: Mungalla 4425 (P) D2 APP |
Droughtmaster Cow |
This impact sire produced 185 progeny during his time at Mungalla Stud earning over $385,000 in progeny sales. Many of his sons and grandsons have gone through MAGS where Mungalla 3993 sold for $18,000 at MAGS 2022.
Mungalla 4425 (P) D2 APP, was classified in 2023 with 2 of her progeny being registered to date. She is PTIC 2023. Her 1st registered son, Mungalla 3429, was sold as at MAGS 2020 and 2nd son is being offered in MAGS 2023.