LOT 72 LAMONT 1543 (P) (PH) D3
Watch Video | View Pedigree |
DATE OF BIRTH 03/07/2021 |
BRAND MA 1543 |
AGE 28 months |
SALE PRICE $5,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PH |
SC (cm) 43 |
Semen Mot % 80 |
Semen Morph % 12 |
Weight 838 |
EMA 126 |
P8 14 |
Rib 12 |
IMF % 6.1 |
Lamont Inmate (P) D5 |
Oasis Winchester (HP) D5 |
Oasis Lucy (P) D5 |
S: Oasis Dundee (P) (AI) D5 |
Minlacowie Johan 4997 (P) D5 |
Oasis Tess (P) D5 |
Oasis Faline (S) D5 |
LAMONT 1543 (P) (PH) D3 |
Droughtmaster Bull |
D: Lamont 703 (P) D2 APP |
Droughtmaster Cow |
Oasis Dundee topped the Droughtmaster National Bull Sale and was purchased by Lamont Stud for $135,000 and was the highest priced Droughtmaster bull sold in 2017. To date Oasis Dundee and has provided Lamont Stud with 172 registered progeny. They have retaining many Dundee son's for use in their own herd. Oasis Dundee’s grandsire, Lamont Inmate, has been leading the way in recent years in stud Droughtmaster genetics and has proven to be a very popular sire with the results to back him. His son Oasis Winchester, (the sire of Oasis Dundee) was an outstanding individual and had a huge following within Droughtmaster Stud breeders.
Dundee's progeny, like him, have tremendous muscling, beautiful looseness of skin, weight for age, bone, temperament and very high libido. It’s hard to find a bull that is the full package and Dundee ticks all the boxes. An incredible individual with a pedigree to keep producing.
4 son's sold at the Droughtmaster National Sale 2023, and in a very tough market, they averaged $35,250.