LOT 91 LAMONT 1518 (IVF) (Sc) (PH) (AI) D3
Watch Video | View Pedigree |
DATE OF BIRTH 20/07/2021 |
BRAND MA 1518 |
AGE 27 months |
SALE PRICE $10,000 |
Visual Horn Scurred |
DNA Horn PH |
SC (cm) 41 |
Semen Mot % 80 |
Semen Morph % 80 |
Weight 766 |
EMA 130 |
P8 13 |
Rib 10 |
IMF % 5.6 |
Yaralla Maxwell (S) D5 |
Yaralla Raphael (S) D5 |
Yaralla 123/2 (H) D5 |
S: Yaralla Wallace (P) D5 |
Medway Nevada (D) D5 |
Yaralla 95/1 (P) D5 |
Yaralla 126/6 (P) D5 |
LAMONT 1518 (IVF) (Sc) (PH) (AI) D3 |
Droughtmaster Bull |
D: Lamont 1039 (P) D2 APP |
Droughtmaster Cow |
Lamont Stud purchased this exceptional young bull at the 2019 Rockhampton National Sale for $50,000. They are absolutely thrilled with the way this bull has developed and grown. He shows tremendous size, length and conformation. He has a beautiful sires head, tidy sheath a and lovely nature to go with it.
Lamont Stud are very excited about this bulls future and have collected and stored some excellent semen from him. He consistently produces son's and daughters that are outstanding and are structurally correct.
In a few short years, he has 126 registered progeny to date, and in 2021 Lamont Stud registered 66 calves by him of which only 9 were IVF.
Lamont 1039 is a cow that was Classified and brought in as a D2 because of her incredible doing ability, even in very tough years. She was used in an IVF program because of her constitution and feminine lovely type.
Since being registered in 2018 she produced 3 natural calves in 3 years and 3 IVF calves. She was sadly lost in 2022.